For an active person lower back pain is typically a weakness issue. Whether it stemmed from a collision, a fall off a horse, a drunken night out, a...
Nutrition to speed up injury recovery
Want to recover faster? Nutrition can play a pivotal role in speeding up the healing process.
5 Essential Hip & Ankle Stretches For Athletes
Keeping your body in top condition is essential for you to succeed in the industry. When it comes to exercising many people forget to stretch afterwards,...
Common Training Issues: SI Joint Pain
Ever done a set of heavy squats or deadlifts only to have your SI joint flare up? Do you find yourself rolling your legs side to side trying to alleviate...
Prehab for prevention
Prevention is better than cure, that is a saying every active person needs to know and adhere to! When it comes to injuries, prehab is a term for exercises...
6 Tips For Athletic Recovery
Recovery is all about making sure that after high intensity training or competition, you can get up the next day and perform at the same level. Whether...
ART® Active Release Technique
When ART® is talked about in health and fitness, it’s not being referred to as paintings! ART® (Active Release Techniques) is a very advanced patented...
Bone Fracture Recovery Protocol: Nutrition & Supplement Considerations
In this article we are going to look at how nutrition can help optimize recovery from a bone fracture. We have used similar tactics outlined in this...
The science of accelerated recovery from injury
As an Osteopath I am often asked “How long will my injury take to get better?”. The answer to this question is actually quite complex as there are...
Diaphragmatic breathing for health
So – you don’t need me to tell you how it important it is that you breathe, I‘m sure you get that. But how does the way we breathe effect our...