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Our Experience

We have worked on numerous movies, supporting actors, directors, producers, stunt performers, costume, hair, makeup and more, and we understand that the film industry can be tough, with very demanding schedules.

It is not uncommon for us to hear stories of physical and mental deterioration, perhaps even “burn out” as a result of the intense nature of film work. We see people passionately battling through a movie, often sacrificing their health for the sake of that production; only to fall ill during or immediately after the production has finished.

Whilst this seems to be common we do not think this is normal. It is our role to change this, and to help you feel as good or better when you finish a production as when you began.

View Credits

Riz Ahmed - Actor

Riz Ahmed - Actor

Fit For Films are amazing. Their holistic approach, range and depth of knowledge, attention to detail, and clarity and simplicity of methods make them a brilliantly effective guide in any process of body transformation.

Bennett McGhee - Producer

Bennett McGhee - Producer

Fit For Films were great to work with. The preparation, execution and after care were always sensitively and professionally handled as well as spelt out in as much detail as needed so that all engaged felt reassured and comfortable with the process of changing physical states in a short space of time. The results were fantastic and I look forward to working with them on many more projects to com.

Finn Wittrock - Actor

Finn Wittrock - Actor

“Fit For Films was absolutely crucial to nearly every member of the cast of Unbroken. We all had to achieve an emaciated look for the film, while still maintaining the energy to act for months of 12-plus hour days.”

Film Roll

Fit For Films is well established in the film industry for its role in supporting actors, directors, producers, stunt performers and other crew members. Helping them look, perform and function at their physical and mental peak.

Team Dave

Dave Grant

Dave spent his youth training in gymnastics and acrobatics and went on to hold many British titles, competing internationally and representing Great Britain on a number of occasions.

After his successful competitive acrobatic Career, Dave went straight into performing and has never looked back in the career that is now spanning over 18 years.

He has been a professional Stunt Performer for nearly a decade and you will have no doubt seen him on screen being set on Fire by Khaleesi’s dragons in Game of Thrones and as a Stormtrooper in the recent Star Wars movie.

Dave has also doubled for some of cinemas biggest stars including Jonny Depp, Michael Fassbender, Colin Farrell, Ewan Mcgregor and Sam Claflin. This gives Dave the unique insight into the film industry and the demands it has on the stunt performers to stay in good shape, acquire skills and stay focused so they can perform the stunts for the people you love.

Our mission is to inspire, educate and support
your journey to the best version of you. We use behind
the scenes insights and interviews with film industry
professionals to show you first hand what it takes to
be fit for films.
Team Steve

Steve Grant

Steve is one of the UK’s leading and award winning Nutritionists & Functional Medicine Practitioners. Steve has supported those with health, performance and physiques goals for well over a decade and supported well over a 100 clients in the film industry alone since 2010, working on multiple movie productions. His clientele range from directors & actors through to stunt performers, wardrobe and anything inbetween. Steve also runs busy clinics in and around London supporting people from all walks of life.

Working with Fit For Films, Steve is looking to revolutionize health support provide to those working in and out of the Film industry whilst also educating and empowering individuals as they transform and optimise their health.

With a strong educational background and years of clinical experience Steve also formulates the Fit For Films supplement range and oversees the selection of the supplements promoted on the Fit For Films website, ensuring that what we offer are the very best formulations to achieve world-class results.

Social Media

Chris Knott


Nobody ever sets out to be average. I believe that anyone is capable of anything if they apply themselves and my mission is to guide people in how to do this. Now the motivational BS is out the way I can give you a little insight to my story and how my ethos developed.

Being superhuman has always fascinated me. I idolised superman as a young child and grew up watching World’s Strongest Man admiring the incredible feats of strength. After starting working in a commercial facility, I slowly started to become obsessed with human performance. I consumed as much info from blogs, articles, videos as possible and started to build a backlog of training knowledge to put in to action. There’s not many training methods, dietary strategies and supplement protocols I haven’t tried.

As I’ve progressed this catalogue of information has been funnelled down to two main passions that I’m solely intent on pursuing; strength training and cognition. To me, there is nothing greater than seeing what your body is capable of and there is nothing more impressive than picking up something incredibly heavy and putting it back down again. This, in tandem with fully utilising the power of our incredibly brains, equates to the main constituents you need to be superhuman.

My objective is to provide content in the form of articles, podcasts, vlogs and programmes to ensure everyone of interest has all the tools necessary to build the best version of themselves. All my methods are anecdotally and scientifically backed, focused on strength, hypertrophy, injury prevention and maximising intelligence.

Mindful Movement: Silent Assassins

Are you doing everything in your power to stay healthy? Do you eat nutritious whole foods and get a solid 8 hours of sleep? What about meditating and looking after your head space? We’re all familiar with the benefits of such positive habits, but what if I told you there was a pesky silent assassin that puts all of this in vain.
Pelvic Power – An introduction to your second diaphragm
As soon as I say Pelvic floor, what do you think about? Pregnancy? Babies? Kegel squeezes? It’ll more than likely bare those types of connotations and be a far cry from lifting heavy weights or being able to roundhouse kick someone in the head.
Common Training Issues: SI Joint Pain
Ever done a set of heavy squats or deadlifts only to have your SI joint flare up? Do you find yourself rolling your legs side to side trying to alleviate the pain? How about waking up after a terrible night’s sleep due to an on-going irritation in your lower back? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Superhuman Recovery Strategies

“Everyone wants to be a beast, until it comes to doing what beast’s do” – Eric Thomas. You may have heard this quote before on a motivational montage that you listen to before training. I used to. I did it so for years and always said to myself that I’ll train as hard as humanly possible no matter what the situation.
The Limitless Brain – Part 2: How to achieve it
This article will continue to investigate the notion of heightened brain activity and outline ways in which you can boost your own focus, mood and productivity levels.
Matering The Compounds Part 5: The Squat
In the final instalment of the mastering the compound lifts, I will be dissecting the most technically demanding of all lifts; the squat.

Mastering The Compounds Part 4: The Pull Up

Although it could be argued that the deadlift is the ultimate back builder, I would definitely have to say the pull up is on a par for developing strength, hypertrophy and shoulder health. Show me a guy who can do multiple sets of 10 plus reps on pull ups and you’ll also show me a guy with a wide, thick, muscular back.
Mastering The Compounds Part 3: The Overhead Press
When it comes to deciphering which man/woman possesses the most brute force and power, nothing will give a better indication than how much you can pick up off the floor and how much you can press above your head.
Mastering The Compounds Part 2: The Bench Press
If you want to add size and strength, you need to be in an environment where you can safely add load. No exercise can place quite as many pounds through the upper body as the bench press. This has made it the “go-to” exercise for trainees all around the world when it comes to building the chest, shoulders, arms and back.

Mastering The Compounds Part 1: The Deadlift

There’s no other way to pack on strength and size than through mastering the compound lifts. By honing your skills when it comes to lifting and being patient and consistent with your recovery and nutrition, you’ll have a potent combination for physical development.
The Bullet Proof Body Part 4: Grip
The bullet proof body would not be complete without talking about one of the most overlooked aspects of raw strength; grip training. Having a vice like grip not only increases your capacity for strength, it’s a vital part of being injury free as well. This article will follow suit as the rest of the series.
The Bullet Proof Body Part 3: Shoulders
The bench press is like the male right of passage in the gym. If you can bench a lot, it’s like it cements your alpha status. Everyone wants a big bench and big chest. Now what if I told you your bench press doesn’t actually have as much to do with your chest and triceps as you think.

The Bullet Proof Body Part 2: Lower Back

This article will follow the same suit as the last. First, I’ll be discussing a little bit about biomechanics and common reasons for lower back pain, then I’ll be giving my top 3 tips for correcting issues and building pain free foundations.
The Bullet Proof Body Part 1: Foot & Ankle
Many people assume that it’s the people who train the hardest that achieve insurmountable amounts of size and strength. This isn’t actually the case. Training hard is important but the person who can train injury free will always make more linear progression. Looking after and “pre-habing” your body is an essential part of training.
Injury Proofing: Small Muscles, Big Difference
Squats, Benching and Deadlifts get all the attention. They’re seen as the sexy movements that build the most muscle. When you think of strengthening your body, these are probably the first lot of exercises that come to mind.

Excitement Vs Consistency: When you should and shouldn’t change your training programme

Crossfit, bodybuilding, olympic weightlifting, strongman, powerlifting, HIIT training, conditioning, calisthenics, MMA, boxing, yoga, hot yoga, naked yoga… (all read in a brash american car retailer voice blurting out deals during a closing down sale). We are inundated with a smorgasbord of training modes, all being sold to us with the elixir of getting us jacked or shredded.
Periodisation Fundamentals
Strength training is an art form. It’s a beautiful combination of problem solving, mathematical equations, brute power and patience. Getting stronger is not simply a case of lift more each week and try harder, you must follow certain principles that allow for long term adaptations.
Strength Training Foundations
“Strength is the mother of all qualities”. This is a quote that I heard early on in my career which resonated with me quite a lot. From a young age, strength has always fascinated me. Whether it was watching Superman pick up cars or colossal men move atlas stones on World’s Strongest Man, I knew that the pursuit of a strong, powerful physique was something I wanted to dedicate my life to.

Keys To The Limitless Brain – Part 1: What can we achieve?

What are our brains actually capable of? It’s an interesting question isn’t it. Hollywood has often highlighted the super powers of enhanced brain function, tantalising us with fantasies of unlimited potential. It makes for a great movie plot but looking a bit closer, is total optimisation actually possible? And if so, how?
Hypertrophy Training Foundations
Building muscle is not an easy feat. Many presume you just go to the gym, lift some weights, eat more protein and the process looks after itself. The reality is that there are a lot more pieces to the puzzle than that.
Ultimate Conditioning
When training for strength and size you should never overlook the importance of staying in excellent condition. You may think that high intensity conditioning compromises your gains from weight training, This is untrue.
Eunice Huthart - Stunt Coordinator

Eunice Huthart - Stunt Coordinator

“I am now back to the weight I was when I was kickboxing, my energy levels are the same as when I was 25 years old and my brain is so alert. I can guarantee one visit to Steve Grant from Fit For Films will change your life.”

Paul Lowe - Stunt Performer

Paul Lowe - Stunt Performer

“Steve from Fit For Films practices what he preaches and is a real friendly guy who is always there for advice and help if you need him. Glad I made the choice to see him and would advice anyone who is interested to see Fit For Films as well.”

Laura Michelle Kelly - Actress

Laura Michelle Kelly - Actress

“Fit For Films have helped me set and push my own limits and surpass them with great insightful practical steps tailor made for me. I’m extremely grateful they have helped me so much.”

Andy Pilgrim - Stunt Performer

Andy Pilgrim - Stunt Performer

“After multiple breaks in my tibia and fibula, having an operation where smashed up cartilage was removed from my ankle and 19 pins speared through my leg to scaffold my bones I knew pretty much straight away that the jam sandwiches on offer in the hospital ward weren’t going to get me fixed any time soon. I needed to get back to work and that would only happen after some serious bone growth… Enter Fit For Films who advised me on the best food choices for inflammation and healing and top quality supplement choices to speed up recovery. They were both empathetic and extremely knowledgeable to my case and I wouldn’t hesitate to use them again for any nutritional needs that I have.”

Contact us

If you have specific physique or health goals for a forthcoming production, or are perhaps just looking to optimise health, physical or mental performance, we aim to support you with this.

Please use the contact form below to get in touch and arrange a time for a call or a meeting to discuss your needs.

Fit For Films