A while ago, during one of my many Youtube rabbit hole voyages, I stumbled upon a video of a speech given by retired United States Navy Admiral William...
9 Tips to help reduce Jet Lag
In clinic I deal with executive clients skipping across time zones for fun, athletes competing in a variety of countries, actors, directors and producers...
Meditations in Movement – Achieving balance in modern living
As our days get filled with longer to do lists, lunches sat at our desks and deadlines to meet, it’s hard to factor in taking more time out of the day...
The Positive Effects of an Arbitrary Goal
An Arbitrary Goal, defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a goal, ‘based on random choice or personal whim rather than any reason or system’, would...
The Limitless Brain – Part 2: How to achieve it
In part one of this series we explored what our brain is capable of. This entailed looking into brain anatomy, exceptional cases of intelligence and...
Talk is cheap!
We all know someone, (or perhaps we are that someone), who says they want something – yet they never come through with the goods. How long are...
Keys To The Limitless Brain – Part 1: What can we achieve?
What are our brains actually capable of? It’s an interesting question isn’t it. Hollywood has often highlighted the super powers of enhanced brain function,...
Meditation: The most powerful pose you’ll do
Yoga in the West has become one of the most popular pastimes around. The word alone is, in fact, one of the top 15 words used in Britain [a].
Diaphragmatic breathing for health
So – you don’t need me to tell you how it important it is that you breathe, I‘m sure you get that. But how does the way we breathe effect our...