Although it could be argued that the deadlift is the ultimate back builder, I would definitely have to say the pull up is on a par for developing strength,...
Mastering The Compounds Part 3: The Overhead Press
If the deadlift is the King of lifts, the overhead press would definitely be Queen. This movement is incredibly challenging, marrying it to the deadlift...
Quite simply, Breath equals Life. From the moment you take your first inhalation to the moment you take your very last exhalation, to breathe is to...
Mastering The Compounds Part 2: The Bench Press
If you want to add size and strength, you need to be in an environment where you can safely add load. No exercise can place quite as many pounds through...
Mastering The Compounds Part 1: The Deadlift
There’s no other way to pack on strength and size than through mastering the compound lifts. By honing your skills when it comes to lifting and being...
Essential Guide to Yoga Poses
Yoga is now more popular than ever, but with classes often lacking that 1 to 1 attention how do we make sure we are doing it right? That’s where our...
The Bullet Proof Body Part 4: Grip
The bullet proof body would not be complete without talking about one of the most overlooked aspects of raw strength; grip training. Having a vice like...
The Bullet Proof Body Part 3: Shoulders
If I had a penny for every time someone asked me this question, I’d have about 5p, but still, it’s almost an immediate reply whenever anyone asks if...
The Bullet Proof Body Part 2: Lower Back
In part 1 of the bullet proof body I spoke about the importance of the feet and ankle mobility. The reason why I started here is that this is the first...
The Bullet Proof Body Part 1: Foot & Ankle
Many people assume that it’s the people who train the hardest that achieve insurmountable amounts of size and strength. This isn’t actually the case....
Fit for a fight – Train like a champion
With the meteoric rise in popularity of mixed martial arts and the already huge following of boxing around the world, most average gym Joe’s will have...
Injury Proofing: Small Muscles, Big Difference
Squats, Benching and Deadlifts get all the attention. They’re seen as the sexy movements that build the most muscle. When you think of strengthening...
Controlling inflammation with foods and botanicals
Chronic inflammation plays a significant role in almost all disease conditions in some way or another. Anything from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer,...
Excitement Vs Consistency: When you should and shouldn’t change your training programme
Crossfit, bodybuilding, olympic weightlifting, strongman, powerlifting, HIIT training, conditioning, calisthenics, MMA, boxing, yoga, hot yoga, naked...
Bone Fracture Recovery Protocol: Nutrition & Supplement Considerations
In this article we are going to look at how nutrition can help optimize recovery from a bone fracture. We have used similar tactics outlined in this...
Talk is cheap!
We all know someone, (or perhaps we are that someone), who says they want something – yet they never come through with the goods. How long are...
Protein: Understanding the importance and establishing your protein goal
Protein is always a contentious subject with varying opinion on how much and what forms of protein we can or should be eating. In this article we are...
Protein: Debunking myths
Following on from the previous article Protein: Understanding the Importance and establishing your protein goal. In this article we are going to look...
Protein: What Should I Eat?
In previous articles on protein we looked at understanding the importance of protein and establishing a protein goal, then covered some of the common...
Periodisation Fundamentals
Strength training is an art form. It’s a beautiful combination of problem solving, mathematical equations, brute power and patience. Getting stronger...